What is peripheral neuropathy? Is it the same as diabetic neuropathy?

Yes, peripheral neuropathy is the same as diabetic neuropathy. Both are caused by nerve damage to the legs and feet. Diabetic neuropathy is generally caused by longstanding or uncontrolled diabetes, whereas peripheral neuropathy can be caused by poor circulation to the legs. Diabetic neuropathy usually occurs when people have had diabetes for 6 years or more.

Let’s look at essential oils as a treatment option

Some people just don’t want to take another pill. Essential oils are another way to provide pain relief.  These oils can be rubbed on or inhaled by using a diffuser. The oils are made from plants and concentrated by different methods. Using the oils as a rub or topical application, one drop can be applied to the skin to be inhaled or it can be mixed in a base or carrier oil. Carrier oils can be coconut oil, grapeseed oil, almond oil, or jojoba oil to name a few. To be used in a diffuser, the oil must be mixed with water. Only a few drops of oil are needed to provide a good mixture.  Be sure to read the labels for ingredients and methods used for processing to ensure potency.

Which Essential Oils work on  Neuropathic Pain

For pain relief, Bergamont has shown to be effective. Other single plant oils that have shown promise in reducing inflammation and pain are Chamomile, Lavender, Holy Basil, Peppermint, and Ginger. You need to review the directions and product labels to determine the number of drops needed to mix in carrier oils.  Directions are specific for how many drops are needed to make an effective solution. Some companies have oil blends for pain relief. There is a product named Frankincense and Myrrh Neuropathy™ on the market for neuropathic pain.

How to use the oils

Essential oils can be used by inhalation, topically by mixing it with a carrier oil or diluted in water for diffusing. For inhalation, place 1 or 2 drops on the wrist, massage in, and inhale. This is for very short-term relief.

Essential oils mixed in carrier oils are used as a topical rub. To use essential oil as topical or massage, the essential oil must be mixed in a carrier oil such as coconut oil, grapeseed oil, almond oil, or jojoba oil to name a few. If using essential oils in bath water, mix in a carrier oil first, then add to bathwater.

Avoid using oils made from flowers or plants that you are allergic to. To test sensitivity, do a patch test by rubbing a drop onto inside the wrist or behind the ear and cover with a bandaid. Check the area in 24 hours to see if any rash or irritation appears.   If using essential oils in bath water, mix in a carrier oil first, then add to bathwater.

How to Choose Essential Oils

Make sure that the essential oils you use are 100% pure, cold-pressed, and no other chemicals used in processing. They should not contain any fillers or synthetics. They should be sold in dark-colored glass containers and have an expiration date.

Essential oils may be an alternative for early treatment for neuropathy and for people who do not wish to take pills. An additional benefit of using essential oil is the little risk of interaction with medications. To be on the safe side, but be sure to inform your healthcare provider. They may recommend this therapy for other patients to try.


All content and media on the Totally About Diabetes is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.









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