Daily Health and Wellness Tipsmotto the best health care

Daily health and wellness tips help you on your health journey. Do you want to live a long life or a healthy life? You see a person can live a long life but it can be one filled with pain and debilitation and suffering. They need help with their daily needs. In the healthcare arena, we call those activities of daily living. On the other hand, do you want a life filled with energy and vitality? That is called a good quality of life. There is a scripture that states “…I have set before you life and death, blessing and curses. Now choose life so that you and your children may live… (Deuteronomy 30:19) See, even God gives us an open book test, He wants us to choose life. So how can we live this life of energy and vitality? Let’s discuss three daily health and wellness tips you can use to live a life full of energy and vitality.

Tip #1 – Healthy Thoughts.

Everything starts in your mind. What kind of thoughts are you thinking? Daily positive thoughts always triumph over negative thoughts.  Direct your thoughts daily on how to use the health and wellness tip. Choose one goal you want to work on. Your thoughts are positive or optimistic. The task is manageable. You have set your mind that you can do this -(like the little engine that could). So you see your healthy/positive thinking is daily health and wellness tip #1. The next step is Healthy Actions.

Tip #2 – Sleep

This is the next daily health and wellness tip. You have set the goal to get up at 7 AM. In order to do that one action, you must go to bed on time. Getting adequate rest allows the body to reset, recharge, and rejuvenate.  When you achieve deep restorative sleep, you wake up alert, refreshed, and ready to face your day. A bonus to a good night’s sleep is improved blood pressure, blood sugar control, and improved heart rate. Sleep is a great instrument to improve cardiometabolic health. Now on to the next daily health and wellness tip #3, healthy meals.

Tip #3 – Healthy Meals.

cooked food on white ceramic plateFood is fuel. If you want your body to run well, you need to feed it the right fuel. Many have fallen into the quick meal trap, using highly processed meals. Unfortunately, this type of food is detrimental to blood sugar control and cholesterol management. Processed foods usually have a large amount of sodium (salt) and sugar (high fructose corn syrup or other sugars). These substances create havoc on the body. A large amount of sodium leads to high blood pressure and can cause heart problems by making the heart work harder to circulate extra fluid. The high fructose corn syrup goes to the liver for metabolism and storage. That leads to the risk of elevated triglycerides and fatty liver disease. Daily Health and Wellness Tip #3 is to have meals made up of whole minimally processed foods – veggies, fiber-filled carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. To complete the health and wellness nutrition picture is to drink plenty of water.

Now it’s time to make a choice

“…I have set before you life and death, blessing and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live…Deuteronomy 30:19

These three daily health and wellness tips are just part of a healthy lifestyle plan. You choose one tip to concentrate on. Discover the action you want to implement in your routine. Work on that one action until it becomes natural. You can schedule a call with me to help you. A trained expert can help you get started on your plan. You can schedule a call at trinettestanford.info

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