The Women’s health and wellness program presents information to women ages 40 years old and older who have decided to pursue a healthy lifestyle. There are many programs that focus on weight loss, which is short-term fix rather than a lifestyle change.

What is the Women’s Health and Wellness Program?

Our program is a Behavior Change Program comprised of a series of small steps that the client can do consistently every day. It provides a step-by-step plan on how to implement change one step at a time. Women’s healthcare and wellness delivers the message that wellness is possible and quality of life matters. This program was verified by the results of a similar program a colleague did. It was a 13-week program for women showing them how to improve their health one small change at a time. The results were astounding. There was full participation and no dropouts from the program. Each of the women stated that they felt better and stronger after going through the program.
There was another study that cited women, especially those over 50, preferred short varied types of exercise. 


How Do You Start The Program?

The first step is listening to the client. They share their story, what worked for them in the past, and what their goals are. It helps the coach to see things from the client’s point of view. The coach will determine what stage of change the client is positioned.

During the talk, the coach/provider will assist the client in setting goals. It helps to have them visualize where they want to be and what steps are needed to get them there. The message we want to convey is: Be healthy and have a good quality of life.

What are the next steps?

What does a normal day look like? We recommend keeping a log to write down activities. This process is tedious but it shows what they do.  This also makes them aware of what they are doing. We review the log with the client to see what their daily habits are and how these  present habits affects their health. After the review,  a priority list is made. She chooses the first habit to work on. The goal is to make this one change and do it every day. We then follow-up in 2 weeks to review the process. We ask 2 questions. Was the client able to do the new change most days and did it make a difference? If it was helpful, the client will continue with it and then proceed to the next change on the list. I saw a post one day that said – it takes 21 days to change a habit but it takes 90 days to make it a lifestyle. This program is not about a quick fix but a lifestyle change. The goal is to keep the program simple. Make one change at a time and do it consistently.

We want women diagnosed with prediabetes. Our aim is to prevent them from developing diabetes. We welcome women with type 2 diabetes. We will show them how to control  the diabetes in order to prevent complications. The purpose of the program is to prevent chronic disease that is usually diagnosed at 44 – 50 years of age. If healthy habits are put into place early enough, those chronic health problems can be avoided. We know change is hard but being sick with a chronic disease is even harder. This program comes with someone to help you conquer the hard parts.

Are Your Ready to Get Started?

If you are interested in preventing diabetes and other chronic health problems. We need to chat. If you want to live a healthy life, schedule an appointment. The time is now. Schedule a complimentary 15-minute consult at

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