Three Daily Health and Wellness Tips

Three Daily Health and Wellness Tips

Daily Health and Wellness Tips Daily health and wellness tips help you on your health journey. Do you want to live a long life or a healthy life? You see a person can live a long life but it can be one filled with pain and debilitation and suffering. They need help...

The Low Carb Mediterranean Diet Plan

Many women 40 years old and older may choose a Low carb Mediterranean diet plan to control their blood sugars. Learning the concepts and basics of the Low carb Mediterranean diet plan will make it easy to incorporate into their daily routine. What is the Low Carb...

Women’s Health and Wellness

The Women’s health and wellness program presents information to women ages 40 years old and older who have decided to pursue a healthy lifestyle. There are many programs that focus on weight loss, which is short-term fix rather than a lifestyle change. What is the...

Diabetic Neuropathy – Essential Oil as Alternative Therapy

What is peripheral neuropathy? Is it the same as diabetic neuropathy? Yes, peripheral neuropathy is the same as diabetic neuropathy. Both are caused by nerve damage to the legs and feet. Diabetic neuropathy is generally caused by longstanding or uncontrolled diabetes,...

Think Outside of the Box

Healthy Living SummitHealthy Living Information Shared I had the privilege of hosting a Healthy Living Summit in honor of Diabetes Awareness Month. There were seven experts that presented during the seven-hour session. The presentations focused on nutrition, testing,...

Don’t Wait! Get Yourself to the Doctor

In this article, red flag situations will be discussed.  When a condition is red flag, that means it is an emergency that needs immediate attention. People with diabetes are at high risk for developing complications, especially if blood sugars are out of control.  You...