From Overwhelm to Domination

Have you ever been overwhelmed? What about confused?  Well that is what has happened to me. I was involved in so many projects and so many groups that I got completely overwhelmed. My calendar was so packed that I overlooked some things. So you may ask, why did you...

Senior Health and Fitness Day 2020

Welcome to Senior Health and Fitness Day. Hopefully during the #StayHome time and pandemic you have been doing some sort of exercise or activity to maintain your strength and stamina.  There are problems that occur with aging. Muscle loss -  muscle cells are replaced...

Put Down That Salt Shaker!

May is Blood Pressure Awareness Month. This is part of the Cardiometabolic Health series. Cardiometabolic conditions are high blood pressure (hypertension), heart disease, prediabetes or diabetes, abnormal cholesterol, and truncal obesity. Did you know that 75 million...

Survival of the Fittest

Food List Survival of the Fittest Macronutrients (Fancy Term for Fats, Protein, Carbohydrates) Healthy Fats (9calories/Gm) Olive oil Coconut oil Nuts Avocados Coconut Nut butters Protein (lean vs fat) 4 calories/Gm Lean beef, chicken, turkey, port Seafood Beans,...

National Healthcare Decisions Day  Video for National Healthcare Decisions Day Advance directive papers: PBS documentary on diabetes:

Diabetes Mellitus VS Diabetes Insipidus

Diabetes Mellitus VS Diabetes Insipidus

Diabetes Mellitus VS Diabetes Insipidus   Different kinds of diabetes have different symptoms that require their own individual treatments. Diabetes Mellitus is simply common diabetes. When the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin for the body to regulate...